Data Art for businesses - Agenda Afrique News

Source : Public Domains Pictures

Data art is not just a new form of artistic expression. The creation of artistic forms based on Big Data possesses a number of marketing advantages that have not escaped the attention of companies and marketers always on the lookout for new and original communication supports.

Data visualisation transformed into works of art

A number of artists today use raw digital data produced by companies as their creative material and give it a second life by transforming it into works of art. Data art utilises the digital data produced by Big data and gives it an aesthetically eye-catching appeal, by turning it into objects of art, sounds or images, and thereby blowing new life into intangible data. Everything goes, from information collected by Google to data recorded by companies and converted into algorithms that determine whole swathes of our daily life.

Giving life to intangible data

Emerging from the shadows, data art has made a name for itself through platforms offering these art works to the public and the corporate world. Based on subscriptions, the revenue generated by the loan of these art works is shared between the platform and the artists.

The popularity that surrounds these new aesthetic models of formalised abstract data has garnered the attention of marketers already attached to 3D images. ERDF, appreciative of its interactive aspect, has chosen to reveal its subsidiary’s new logo ENEDIS by using this new aesthetic mode of expression.

ERDF went to the Bright platform and requested them to animate the exchanges of the participants with their social networks. In the finished product, the “davatars” gradually accumulate to form the name and logo of ERDF at the end.

Data art in the service of the public good

Data art can also convey a public message, enabling us to become aware of certain realities. One example is the project led by Bright with the promoter Océanis for the construction of a university campus. Data art re-transcribes the energy usage on the campus into a work of art by using colours symbolising certain excesses to encourage students and faculty members to be more environmentally responsible.

Data visualisation enables us to observe in a blink of an eye certain behaviour or facts by transcribing them into pictures or data cards. These depictions can then be utilised for practical purposes. Imagine that you need to know where to open a restaurant in London specialising in cheeses. You incorporate all the useful data to realise the study and ensure that it is transposed on a map of the English capital. The blending and crossing of the colours and their attribution transforms them into a model that reveals the best place.

As with 3D and everything in the digital era, it is possible to imagine objects with the depiction of data art. These works offer the possibility to tell new stories and give life to intangible data.

New objects, new artistic realisations, the visualisation and transposition of this information opens the way for the production and application of unexpected associated objects, which make sense to our surprised senses.