Predictive Geomarketing - Agenda Afrique news

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Adapting companies and businesses to customers’ habits through geolocalisation. The web has fundamentally changed business marketing habits and techniques. Predictive geomarketing is one of the essential tools used by many companies to respond to customer’s needs, and at the same time to provide new targeted and personalised offers.

Predictive geomarketing, or the new key business argument in communication and customer loyalty policy

What is predictive geomarketing? For the users of web sites, social networks or applications for mobiles or tablets, predictive geomarketing takes the form of messages or push notifications received when consulting a web site or the service site of a business, outside their usual geographic zone. These ongoing notifications or location-based requests are a normal part of internet life. In the case of companies this data, known as geomarketing, is a great deal more significant than just theoretical information, and has, in just a few years, become fundamental.

Invaluable marketing information such as identifying your customer’s habits, address, connection hours or preferred sales points, are utilised by many companies to communicate and sell more effectively.

So we see that predictive geomarketing is utilised to a large extent by big companies who do not hesitate to stock their sales points according to this crucial data. Maisons du Monde, the famous interior decoration boutique, uses predictive geomarketing to supply each sales point in accordance with their customer’s habits and tastes. This avoids, moreover, two sales points of the same brand competing against each other.

Adapting a company’s marketing policy to its clients’ habits with internet gelocalisation

Predictive geomarketing is not only a data gold mine that can be used to improve customer satisfaction. Obviously, it can also be a reliable marketing tool to combat local competition by proposing a product completely adapted to the customer’s precise needs.
Take the case of an automotive expert, who identifies, with geolocalisation, an internet user often located at a high altitude. This retailer may then prefer to programme the website so that snow tyres appear on the first page.

Predictive geomarketing also makes it possible to evaluate whether or not it would be viable to open a new sales point. Market studies can reveal a potential concentration of similar customer profiles, and indicate the most central location for all of them. This data can then be assessed in conjunction with the company’s internal constraints, as well as the location of direct, or indirect, competition.

Certain big companies draw upon geomarketing to realign their marketing and communication by studying customer habits in all their sales points. Sometimes they may even decide to close one due to a lack of efficiency, and open another in an ideally defined customer target area using geolocalisation.

Predictive geomarketing forms a set of fundamental data that is adaptable in real time for businesses, irrespective of their size. It’s the most efficient and reliable marketing tool to respond to customers’ needs.

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